jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008

Tell Him or Her with music: Valentine's Day

Como veo que tenemos muchos visitantes de paises muy ajenos y lejanos al nuestro, quiero aprovechar y felicitar a todo el mundo el dia de San Valentin, y por eso este post ira en ingles... It's for you, friends from all over the world.
Since lately we are receiving visitors from many countries that are quite far away from Spain, I would like to say to all of them Happy Valentine's Day. I also wish our dear overseas visitors continue coming to this place not just to see our "Hero" Edison Pics but the remaining posts about the bizarre cinema, whacky music & strange experiences we must face in our daily life. We have to enjoy life while we can because if we waste just a single minute of our lives, we will not recover it. Let's enjoy...Va por ustedes amigos!

"Life is beautiful but with girls like this one life is even better"

If we are an average person & we can not spend too much money for our "sweethearts", Don't worry at all, use your imagination & offer to your "darling" something different, something he or she would never expect to receive in a day like Valentine's Day. Tell Him or her: I love you in a special way not too many people or the so called "normal" people would do it. I am very sure doing something different sometimes will make us better in some kind. Just use your imagination, let your ideas fly free & above all,enjoy while you do. And if you fail, don't worry too much, at least you tried your best, maybe next time you will be successful.

Anyway, here all you have some more examples ( yesterday ones were real wacko ones) of the most bizarre & whacky love songs ever (some of them are even quite good!)

"Martes y 13 will be always in my heart"

"Payo Juan Manuel explains us how Spanish love is"

" John Travolta is dead, long life to Pasquale Travolta"

Esta actuacion fue la primera paja de muchos, Sorry I can not translate this sentence...I am using my two hands at the moment.

Lets enjoy love...Edisoooooon, you rest for a while, my son!

Even ugly people , soldiers, cartoons, policemen, dogs must also enjoy Valentine's day!

Greetings for you, my male visitors, Kisses & hugs for you, my female visitors!

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

oñio, si vas a poner un video de sabrina, pon el q enseña las tetas

Anónimo dijo...

no que estoy enamorado de ella y no quiero que otros le vean las tetas...por lo menos en este blog.

OCTOPO dijo...

Sr. Nico me ha descubierto usted a El Payo Juan Manuel, menudo crack, ya me he bajado su discografia, que peazo de artista.

Anónimo dijo...

¿No lo conocias??????? Vade Retro Satanas!

McLOVIN dijo...

Tu no conocias a Musiquito y eso si que es herejia... Fuego purificador pal Nico!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

conocia la cancion pero no el nombre del creador

OCTOPO dijo...

Pues no tenia el gusto de conocerle, pero da igual ya me he puesto al dia, he mandado ha estampar una camiseta con su careto y una leyenda que dije:

"Me gustan los mejillones en escabeche"

Para el proximo concierto Jebi me la pongo.

mikydalcorcon dijo...

Hola, ¿podriais por favor decirme donde o como me puedo descargar la discografia del Payo Juanma?
Gracias y saludos.

mikydalcorcon dijo...
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